
In Australia, one can find various types of tea shops and cafes. Nowadays, tea has become more than just a beverage. It has become a lifestyle. One can find many tea places in Brisbane one can choose from. Tea is most popular in the whole country.

There are a large number of tea shops that are considered to be the best in Brisbane. The first type of tea shop is the one that offers different varieties of teas in its inventory. The second type is the one that offers different kinds of blends and mixes to the customers. There are different bistros and cafes that serve you the best kinds of food items along with a cup of tea. There are some other places also where people can choose to chill out, have a cup of coffee or a cup of tea.

To say that one loves tea would be to state the obvious. In fact, there are so many people who love this beverage that it is a wonder that there are not so many tea places in Brisbane. But the fact is they do exist, and it is, therefore, possible for everyone to have the opportunity to enjoy this drink with the kind of passion that only those who love tea can feel.

Kym Coopers of the Steepery Tea Co.

The Steepery Tea Co. is a Brisbane tea retailer and tea wholesaler that has curated a selection of exceptional pure leaf teas1 from a variety of the world’s tea-producing regions. They identify those teas that are characteristic of the terroir in which they are produced, showcasing the skill of the tea maker and exhibiting remarkable flavour profiles to allow you to experience the diversity of single-origin tea.

They also operate Brisbane-based Tea Education Programmes that provide the local tea community with structured, yet flexible, learning opportunities to make true tea as approachable and accessible to people as we can.  They love growing the Brisbane tea community by organising low-cost and free events for tea enthusiasts of The Brisbane Tea Meetup. They also regularly host tea workshops and tea events to foster tea appreciation, tea knowledge and culture. 

To enrich your tea experience they share a range of selected teawares that are beautiful and functional, crafted to promote tea culture and authentic tea preparation. We maintain a small collection of handcrafted teaware produced by local ceramists and support their craft in shaping the modern expression of Australian tea culture. 

“At the centre of The Steepery Tea Co. is a deep respect for the tea and the skilled hands that have created its best form. We hope to inspire you on your tea drinking journeys" - Kym Coopers

